by Papa
Title: Peter and the Secret of Rundoon
Authors: Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson
Recommended Age: 8+
Pages: 482
Read-Aloud Time: 6 weeks
Rating: 7/10
This is the last book in the Peter Pan series. Mollusk Island is under attack and Peter is trying to help the Mollusk tribe defend themselves. At the same time, Lord Ombra is back and he's working with King Zarboff the Third of Rundoon. They decide that Peter is important for their plans and they want to bring him to Rundoon. Lord Aster, Molly, and George also return to help Peter and thwart the Others once again.
Peter and the Secret of Rundoon is a good addition to the series. It finishes up all the loose ends that it had to lead to the original Peter Pan story. I thought it tied up all the loose ends a little to tightly, actually. Anyway, it's an action-packed adventure with a few different conflicts in a few different settings. There's some weirdness, I thought, with the addition of certain technologies and with the Scorpion tribe being so brutal.
Favorite Thing: I really liked the name of King Zarboff's snake, Kundalini.
Least Favorite Thing: I think the book could have done without the attack on Mollusk Island. The chapters that transported me back to the island from Rundoon seemed like a distraction.
Questionable Material for Kids: The Scorpion tribe is not a nice tribe. They attack the Mollusks and they do bad things to them - things that are realistic, but are probably not suitable for anyone under 8. Also, Kundalini is a hungry snake. That's all I'll say about that.